Create an organization

The first time you log in, you will have access to DemoCo, a fictional organization that already contains information as a demonstration of the functionality within

Once you have familiarized yourself with DemoCo and are ready to setup your organization, follow these steps:

  1. The person who creates the organization becomes the organization owner. The organization owner has full rights to the organization, including all administration rights and the ability to delete the organization.
  2. Navigate to organizations in the Menu.
  3. Click on the +add button in the menu at the top of the screen.
  4. Add the organization details.
    • Note: The base currency cannot be changed once it is set.
  1. Open the slide out menu icon in the top right-hand corner.

    1. Select the workflows tab
    2. Choose the set up your organization workflow from the dropdown menu
    3. Click the play icon to create this workflow
    4. Follow the steps in the workflow, and tick them off as they are completed

  1. To change organizations, you need to set an organization as active.
    1. Click the set active button beside the desired organization
    2. The button will change to active
    3. The active organization will be displayed in the top-right hand corner

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