Create an insight
In the dynamic world of professional services, staying ahead requires more than just solutions; it demands insights. With, you can capture and harness the power of market insights to enrich your client interactions and conversations.
Fuelling conversations with market insights
Understanding your client's market is a strategic advantage. Each client in can be associated with a specific market, allowing you to tailor your approach. Market insights become your secret weapon. These showcase your distinct finding or point of view and can be a thought leadership article or social media post. Craft compelling insights that delve into trends, challenges, and opportunities in the market.
Empower Your Preparations
As you gear up for client meetings, the insights come to your aid. Before you walk into a meeting, access the insights related to your client's market in the interviews section of the contacts module. These insights empower you with up-to-date knowledge, helping you steer conversations, address pain points, and provide expert guidance.
Enhancing Client Relationships
Market insights transform you into a trusted advisor. By demonstrating a deep understanding of your client's industry, you elevate your status from service provider to strategic partner. With, you're not just having conversations; you're leading them.
Insights contain two essential elements:
1. A distinct point of view
When adding details to the insight, focus on articulating your unique findings and perspectives. Clearly convey what sets your insight apart and why it matters to your audience.
2. Exhibits for Visual Impact
Visuals speak volumes. Use the add exhibit feature to enhance your insights with images, charts, and multimedia elements that amplify your message. A compelling exhibit can make your insight more engaging and memorable.
Follow these steps to create an Insight:
- In the main menu, navigate to the insights module in the content category.
- Create a new insight by clicking on the +add button in the menu at the top of the screen.
- Give the insight a captivating title and a summary of the article, then save it to create the Insight.
- Use the generate button to have the AI create the insight from the documents in your organization's knowledge base.
- Review the insight, and if relevant, add an exhibit that showcases your organization's expertise. If required, use the re-write function to re-word the insight.
- When you are satisfied with the insight, go into the administration tab and edit the summary to mark it as approved.
- Approved insights can be linked to a market
- When preparing for a client meeting, go to the Interviews tab in the contacts module. Navigate to the planning section to see the insights for the client's market.