Proposal administration
After creating the initial details for a proposal, the proposal administration tab allows you to manage the proposal summary, permissions and delete the proposal if it's no longer required.
The proposal summary screen allows you to update the basic details of the proposal.
Click the edit button to open the update summary pop-up window.
Update the following sections:
- Upload the request for proposal (RFP) document to allow all team members to access it.
- A proposal is always created in Draft status. Keep the status updated as the proposal progresses through to Reviewed, Submitted, Won, Lost or Cancelled. This allows users and management to filter by proposal status to understand the proposal pipeline and success rate. It's important to update the status to won or lost when the client has made a decision as uses this information in calculating your probability of win for future proposals.
- Enter the submitted date when the proposal is sent to the client.
- Update the closed date when the client closes the proposal window or provides a decision on the outcome.
- Use the manage access section to restrict which members of your organisation can access this proposal. By default all proposals will be set to unrestricted. For restricted proposals, you will need to access the permissions section for the proposal and assign members.
- Update the manager for the proposal. By default, this is set as the organization owner.
- Save to update the record.
If the permissions are updated to mark a proposal as restricted, use the permissions section to add permission to team members who can access the proposal.
Click the +Add button to add a new permission. Click on a card to edit or delete an existing permission.
Select the manager and set their level as view or edit.
Delete proposal
Only delete the proposal if it was created in error or is genuinely not required. Even if a decision is made not to pursue an opportunity, keeping the proposal and marking the status as cancelled is useful for to calculate your likelihood of winning other proposals.
To delete the proposal, enter the proposal's name exactly as it was entered in then click the Delete this proposal button.
When the administration tab is complete, move onto the the proposal management tab.