Credit notes

To issue a credit note in, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the invoices module in the delivery category of the menu.

2. Find the invoice for which you want to issue a credit note.

  1. Open the invoice and edit summary.
  2. Update the status to disputed.


  • If an invoice is marked as disputed, automatically creates a credit note for the full value of the original invoice. The credit note is then marked as invoiced and cannot be adjusted.
  • For fixed price engagements, the milestone status will revert to not completed. To re-invoice the milestone, the status will need to be updated to completed.
    • Any labour expenses and non-labour expenses on the original invoice will be automatically added to the next invoice generated for this client or booking code. However, these expenses can be adjusted as agreed with the client to resolve the dispute.
  • If a disputed labour expense or non-labour expense is not to be charged to the client, it can be added to an invoice with a value of zero and the name can be updated to note that it is not being charged. This will prevent the item from being added to future invoices and create an audit trail showing that the client was not charged for the disputed item.
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