
One of the first steps in setting up your organization in is to define your governance settings.

The workflows in have inbuilt approval requirements and will create a record of all approvals. To use this functionality for your organization you must create an approval role, assign approval rights and thresholds then assign managers to the approval role.

Go to the organizations module, then navigate to the Governance tab.

Approval roles

An approval role defines a set of decision rights. Create the organisation's approval roles and then decide what is the appropriate role to assign to each team member.

Define decision rights

Each section on this form lists the available decision rights and provides an explanation of what the decision right entails. For example, in the Define client decision rights section changing the Client account plans approval to Yes grants this role the authority to approve account plans, including account development strategies and targets.

Assign a financial threshold

Each approval selection provides the option to include a financial approval threshold. This is used for hierarchical approvals. If a financial threshold is not selected and the item requiring approval has a financial value, this approval role will not be able to provide approval.


Assign approval roles to the managers in your organization.

Approvals process in

Approvals work by selecting an approver for a decision from a list of authorised approvers. uses the approval role and the associated decision rights and threshold levels to determine which managers to show on the list of authorised approvers.

For example, if an invoice for $55,000 requires approval, will list all staff who have an approval role that allows approving invoices and has a threshold that covers $55,000 or above. A staff member who has an approval role that allows approving invoices up to $50,000 will not appear as a potential approver for this invoice.

Decision log

To access the organization's decision history, go to the Decision Log section of the Governance tab in the organizations module.

Now that these steps are complete, your approvals within are now in line with your governance framework.

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