Engagement administration
The engagement administration screen is used to manage the top-level details of the engagement as well as manage access and on rare occasions to delete an engagement.
Clicking on the Edit button of the summary section will allow you to update the top-level details of the engagement.
Use the engagement administration screen to manage the following information:
Name the engagement: Give your engagement a unique and descriptive name.
Select client: Choose an existing client from the dropdown list or create a new client for the engagement.
Set the Status: Choose the status from the dropdown. A new engagement will default to a status of Planning. Keep this status updated regularly throughout the project with Red, Amber, Greeen (RAG). Set the status to Closed upon completion of the engagement .
Add sponsor: Identify the client sponsor or project owner for the engagement. If you don't already have a contact record for the sponsor, you can create one here. Don't forget to go into the contacts module to complete the setup and manage actions for this contact.
Upload statement of work: The statement of work (SoW) is a detailed document that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, schedule, and fees for the engagement. This is often the signed client proposal that your team created in advaise.app.
Enter notes on the engagement: Use this field to add any additional information that you think may be relevant to the engagement.
Manage access: Engagements default to Unrestricted. This means anyone in the organisation can view and edit the engagement details. Set the status to Restricted if you want to limit access to the engagement. You will then need to access the Permissions section of the Administration tab for the engagement to add members who can access this engagement.
Engagement Manager: This is the person driving the engagement. This defaults to the organisation owner.
Once you have updated the engagement record, work through the steps in the workflow to complete the setup of the engagement details and begin managing it.
To download a copy of the statement of work, go into the engagement and click on the SoW from the summary screen.
If on the summary screen, the access is set to restricted, it will be necessary to add permissions for team members to view or edit the engagement. By default engagements are set to unrestricted, meaning anyone in your organisation can access and edit them.
Use the +Add button to provide access to a restricted engagement.
Select a manager from the dropdown list and choose their level of access, either View or Edit.
Delete engagement
On very rare occasions it may be necessary to delete an engagement. This is only possible where no other items are referenced by the engagement, for example invoices.
To delete the engagement, type the name exactly as it appears below the box and click the Delete this engagement button. Once an engagement the delete button is pressed, all information is removed from advaise.app and cannot be restored.