Create an engagement

Engagements refer to the projects or services that your company provides to your clients. These projects can range from short term assignments to long term contracts. Each engagement will have its own unique set of services, deliverables, budget, and schedule.

Effective engagement management is critical to the success of your business. Without a clear understanding of the scope of the project, timeline, and resources required, your team may not be able to deliver the results that your clients are expecting. provides a systematic approach to managing engagements, ensuring that your team is working efficiently, effectively and delivering results that meet or exceed your clients' expectations.

To get started, go the engagements module and click on the +Add button to create a new engagement.

You have two options for creating an engagement:

  1. Create engagement from proposal.
  2. Identify the engagement and enter all details.

To create an engagement from a proposal, select the proposal from the dropdown list:

  • This auto-completes the engagement information, including risks, stakeholders, services, activities, deliverables and resources.
  • You can only create an engagement from a proposal once, so ensure all details in the proposal are complete. Ideally, this step should be done once the proposal has been signed by both parties to ensure no changes are required.
  • If changes are made to the proposal after creating the engagement, it will also be necessary to make the same changes to the engagement.

If you are creating an engagement from scratch and not from a proposal, follow these simple steps:

  1. Name the engagement: Give your engagement a unique and descriptive name.
  2. Select client: Choose from the dropdown or create a new client for the engagement.
  3. Add sponsor: Identify the client sponsor or project owner for the engagement. If you don't already have a contact record for the sponsor, you can create one here.
  4. Upload statement of work: The statement of work (SoW) is a detailed document that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, schedule, and fees for the engagement. This is often the signed client proposal that your team created in the proposals module of
  5. Enter notes on the engagement: Use this field to add any additional information that you think may be relevant to the engagement.

Once you have created the engagement record, work through the steps in the workflow to complete the setup of the engagement and begin managing it. Don't forget to come back and change the status when planning is complete.

  1. On the engagement administration screen, update the summary, manage permissions or delete the engagement.

To download a copy of the Statement of Work (SoW), edit the engagement summary and click on the SoW.

  1. Use the status tab to view the status summary, generate and update status reports for internal and external reporting, as well as request and manage approvals for the engagement.

  1. Utilise the RAID tab to manage the risks, actions, issues and dependencies for this engagement.

  1. On the strategy tab, manage the client needs analysis, define your stakeholder management plan, and summarise your approach to the engagement.

  1. Use the plan tab to scope the services and deliverables that you will deliver, and manage the engagement's schedule.

  1. Utilise the resourcing tab to estimate the labour and non-labour expenses, staff bookings and expenses for the engagement.

  1. On the financials tab, monitor the financial position of the engagement, review the pricing model, manage payment milestones, develop the rate card, and add or update fee notes summarizing your pricing assumptions.

  1. The charter tab facilitates the creation and management of the engagement charter. It draws from information populated for the engagement, creating efficiency and consistency for engagement charters.

  1. The close tab allows you to capture lessons learnt from this engagement. These lessons learnt can be applied to improve outcomes on future engagements.

  1. Files for the engagement can be uploaded to the files tab. This ensures that all information relevant to the engagement are in one place, and is your single source of truth for anything related to the engagement.
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