Engagement status

The engagement status tab provides:

  • Status summary: Overview of the current engagement financials versus the baseline
  • Status reports: Generate and review status reports
  • Approvals: Request and manage approvals for the engagement

Status summary

Evaluate the engagement financials against the approved baseline.

For a detailed analysis of each item, hover over the information icon to view an AI-generated assessment.


Review existing status reports or generate a new report that is pre-filled with data from the engagement. Comments for each section can be added to provide more context and details.

Click on the + Generate button to create a new report.

Expand each section to review and add or update details.

Choose between Internal and External reports. If external is selected, confidential financial information will not be included in the report.

When the details are updated, click the Refresh button to the report.

Once the status report is ready to share, download as a PDF or Word document and change the status from draft to published. After the status is changed to published, the report cannot be edited, deleted or reverted to draft status.

Use the AI-assisted Rewrite function to polish the details in each section.


Approvals are required to baseline and close the engagement.

Before the financials in the status summary will be visible, it's necessary to request an approval to baseline the engagement. Where a change is agreed to the baselines for an engagement, it will be necessary to request a new engagement baseline approval. Until an engagement is re-baselined, any change between planned and current will show as a variance.

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