Proposal files

The final tab in the proposals module is the files tab. Here you can review and download system generated files.

As you progress through the proposals module, these files will be automatically populated with the information provided. These documents other than the proposal document are for internal review. Their purpose is to summarize the relevant information to enable the decision makers to understand the pertinent facts to progress to the next step.

Summary of file types:

  • Opportunity Brief - presents the facts provided from the qualification tab to make a decision to pursue or not pursue the opportunity.
  • Strategy Review - summarizes client needs and win themes related to the opportunity.
  • Requirements - excel file containing the requirements from the strategy tab.
  • Solution Review - describes the proposed engagement for the opportunity.
  • Legal Terms - excel file containing the legal terms from the commercials tab.
  • Commercials Review - summarizes key pricing and legal information for review prior to submitting the proposal to the client.
  • Proposal document - proposal document in pdf format, the same document that can be downloaded from the response tab.
  • Editable Proposal Document - proposal document in .docx format, the same document that can be downloaded from the response tab.
  • Win/Loss review - summary of lessons learned from the close tab.

The opportunity brief and all review files can only be downloaded as PDF files. This is to protect the integrity of the document, so they align with what is in Requirements and legal terms are downloaded as excel files, in the same format as the download/upload templates.

User uploaded files

This section can be used to manage files related to the proposal. Think of it as a filing cabinet for the proposal, so all information related to the proposal is contained within

Click on the +Add button to add a new file.

Any files from the client should be uploaded here. If the proposal document is downloaded to word and changes are made, the final client proposal should be added to the user uploaded files section.

Enter the relevant details:


Use the browse button to select the file.

File name

Provide a suitable file name that will allow users to understand what the attached file is.


Provide a description of the document that will allow users to understand what information is in the file.

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